For the purposes of Certification, Heritage Practice is the implementation of heritage practice, legislation and guiding principles to identify, interpret and manage the cultural and historical values that are recognised in an object, place, landscape or setting. Heritage professionals acknowledge that cultural and heritage significance is the sum of the aesthetic, historic, scientific, social and spiritual qualities or values of a place or object.

To qualify for CEnvP Heritage Specialist status you need:

  • A degree or postgraduate degree in archaeology, anthropology, history, heritage architecture, earth sciences, geography, environmental science, planning or surveying, involving studies in Australian and /or New Zealand contexts
  • Ten (10) years of full-time equivalent experience in environmental practice in the last seventeen (17) years, with a minimum of seven (7) recent years in heritage management, surveying, assessing or researching Australian and/or New Zealand contexts or landscapes. 
  • A detailed curriculum vitae citing authored (or co-authored) reports, publications, citations, conference/seminar presentations
  • Nomination of three respected environmental professionals who are willing to act as referees
  • Evidence of past commitment to training and professional development completed over the past 2 years.
  • Evidence of ongoing commitment to training and professional development (CPD plan for the future to meet the requirements once certified).
  • A signed and witnessed statement of claim covering qualifications, experience, ethics and the accuracy of the materials provided to the Certification Board

A CEnvP Heritage Specialist applicant must first meet the requirements for CEnvP certification. It is not necessary to be a CEnvP at the time of application, but practitioners can apply for both the CEnvP General and Heritage Specialist certification at the same time. If an applicant is not approved by the Certification Board for CEnvP (General) certification, the applicant will not be eligible for Heritage Specialist certification.

CEnvP Heritage Specialist certification does not differentiate between ‘types’ of heritage professional, however, applicants are expected to apply based on their specific skills and role within the heritage management community, whilst meeting general requirements. Applicants should give evidence of having gained significant experience in at least one specialist field, and this evidence should be backed up by at least one of the three (3) referee statements.

Application process

Applications can be submitted online anytime during the year. Upon receipt of a valid and complete application, the applicant will be requested to attend an interview within two months. Applications are usually processed within 6 months, but the process may take up to 12 months, if an application is incomplete.

Please note:
• your online application for certification is active for 30 days. After 30 days, your application is voided automatically on our systems.
• you can save your application and resume for 30 days. When clicking the ‘Save and Resume Later’ button you will receive a link to your application via email. If you do not send yourself the link, you will have to start the application again.
• incomplete or flawed applications will be delayed until all missing documentation is received. This may delay your application process.

Application fees

Provided the required supporting material has been submitted, the application is forwarded to the relevant Registrar for a preliminary check to ensure that the application is ready to be forwarded to an Assessment Panel.

Application fees are non-refundable unless it is obvious to the Registrar that the applicant cannot meet the certain. In this case the application will be returned to the applicant together with a portion of the application fee.

The annual renewal fee for the first year is calculated on a pro-rata basis from the month they were certified.

Applicants will be assessed for their proficiency as specialists in heritage practice.  A Heritage Specialist must demonstrate they are competent to design, lead, implement and report on investigative studies and assessments relating to the cultural and historical values that might be recognised in a place, landscape or setting.

In demonstrating this key competency, Heritage Specialists must be proficient in the following:

  1. understanding heritage practice and methods
  2. analytical capability
  3. interpersonal skills

    An advanced level of proficiency will be based on knowledge, skills and extensive practical experience, and be demonstrated by:

    • having a high level of knowledge of the relevant subject matter
    • developing practical solutions based on analysis and experience
    • assessing and managing risks while taking a course of action
    • communicating complex issues clearly and credibly with widely varied audiences
    • transforming technical information to engage and inform non-specialist audiences
    • maintaining a broad strategic perspective
    • assembling and leading teams, and advising and mentoring others
    • providing clear direction and delegating responsibility to others
    • negotiating effectively and maintaining an objective, professional approach to resolving differences
    • managing compliance, ethical and other reputational issues

    Key proficiencies will need to be demonstrated in both the written application and interview.

    Technical knowledge proficiencies

    Applicants will be expected to demonstrate that they have a well-developed, sound understanding of the role of these proficiencies in heritage practice.

    Understanding heritage practice and methods

    A Heritage Specialist has a thorough understanding of heritage practice and methods:

    • the role and limitations of heritage assessments in environmental planning and decision making
    • the various stages in the heritage assessment process
    • methods of collating and assessing information on tangible and intangible heritage values of places, landscapes or objects
    • risk assessment, management principles and the preparation of conservation/heritage management documents
    • the implementation of internationally accepted heritage management techniques and guidelines as they relate to the candidates field of expertise
    • emerging issues and trends in cultural heritage management

    Analysis and communication proficiencies

    Analytical capability

    A Heritage Specialist has high-level analytical skills that draw on knowledge and experience and can be applied across disciplines.

    • describe relevant heritage legislation in the jurisdiction within which they operate
    • demonstrate an understanding of personal, inherent and projected heritage values and their interconnections through rational and objective thinking and the application of commonsense/professional judgment
    • understand the regulatory framework, guidelines, methodologies and reporting requirements to be considered when implementing heritage practice
    • effectively apply scoping and prioritising tools/methods to determine relevant heritage related issues, relative importance and investigations required to address them
    • identify how baseline quantitative and subjective information (relating to a site, place or landscape) may be gathered and describe the factors that can affect the quality of this information
    • determine the significance of proposed or likely impacts to a heritage place, site or landscape at a regional, local or site-specific level
    • identify when to apply adaptive measures such as avoid, mitigate or manage impacts
    • review the technical quality and accuracy of previous heritage management or heritage protection investigations
    Interpersonal skills

    Effective, efficient and culturally sensitive data gathering often requires robust interpersonal skills across a range of stakeholders.

    • demonstrate the communication skills required for effective engagement, collaboration and consultation across a broad range of audiences
    • clearly express complex concepts and ideas, orally and in writing
    • develop effective working relationships with stakeholders, including proponents, consultants, community groups, traditional owners and government agencies
    • understand and address conflicting viewpoints of different stakeholders from their own perspectives
    • exercise perception and judgment in dealing with complex and culturally sensitive issues


    Applicants must hold a degree or postgraduate degree in archaeology, anthropology, history, heritage architecture, earth sciences, geography, environmental science, planning or surveying. Where necessary, further information verifying the environmental content may be requested (e.g. transcript or academic record).

    An applicant without these formal qualifications and more than 15 years of experience in the Heritage Practice may submit a written record of that experience to allow the Certification Board to make an assessment of equivalence with the requirement for formal qualifications.

    Work experience

    The minimum requirement is ten (10) years of full-time equivalent experience in the functional areas of environmental practice gained during the last seventeen (17) years. At least seven (7) years must be recent in the functional areas of heritage management, surveying, assessing or researching Australian and/or New Zealand contexts or landscapes.

    The seventeen (17) year window should allow part-time workers as well as those returning to the workforce from a long leave period associated with caring, illness or parental leave, to meet the required full-time equivalence work experience.

    Full time work is defined as per the Australian Public Service Commission or the New Zealand State Services Commission as Full Time/1.0 (35 hrs/week), 4 days/0.8 (28 hrs/week), 3 days/0.6 (21 hrs/week), 2 days/0.4 (14 hrs/week), 1 day/0.2 (7 hrs/week). No more than 35hrs per week will be recognised (even if working for more than one employer at the time).

    Certification may recognise supervisory, teaching, research, policy, regulation, heritage conservation work and volunteer work as contributing in part or whole to the 7 years ‘functional experience’, providing the applicant can demonstrate how these have contributed to relevant competence.

    The experience claimed must be independently verified by signature (e.g. current or former employer, senior colleague, referee who knew the applicant at that time). These individuals may be contacted during the application process.

    The applicant must nominate a maximum of three areas of Environmental Practice. The nominated areas will be discussed during your interview and once certified these nominated areas will be used in online profiles and directories.

    NB: An area of environmental practice is a field you are currently or have been working in. It is not recognised as a CEnvP specialisation.


    Work experience is confirmed by work verification reports for the 7 + years of professional heritage practice and a current detailed CV.

    The experience claimed must be independently verified by a referee/s (e.g. current or former employer, a senior colleague, a referee who knew the applicant at that time). These individuals may be contacted during the application process.

    A applicant whose previous work is covered by confidentiality agreements, or has been interrupted by extended periods of parental/carer’s leave, may apply, in writing, to the Certification Board for special consideration.

    Supporting material

    Evidence of your qualifications is required in the form of certified copies (see suggested Authorised Signatories in Australia, and in New Zealand). These must be uploaded and submitted together with the online application. Alternatively, direct access via My eQuals is also accepted.

    Current CEnvPs applying for Specialist Certification do not need to provide evidence of their educational qualifications.

    Your CV must be detailed and fully describe experience, roles and responsibilities, skills, outcomes, achievements, citations, presentations etc.

    Previously accrued CPD is assessed as part of the application process. Please upload CPD Log or a statement explaining how you accrued your CPD points over the past 2 years. For applicants applying for Specialist certification, submitting a CPD log is strongly recommended to enable the Registrar, Assessment Panel and CEnvP Board to ascertain your understanding of the requirement post certification.

    Professional competency

    Applicants must demonstrate their competency by answering the following three questions with an essay style answer (400-600+ words per question):

    1. How have you demonstrated your understanding of heritage practice and methods?
    2. How have you demonstrated your analytical skills that draw on your knowledge and experience and can be applied across disciplines?
    3. How have you demonstrated your interpersonal skills, often required in effective, efficient and culturally sensitive data gathering across a range of stakeholders?

    Answers must be supported by at least two documents, and it is recommended to refer to the supporting documentation (if applicable) and make sure to address the appropriate competencies in the answers.

    The documents should be uploaded into the application form directly. Any documents subject to confidentiality should be clearly noted. Web addresses should be provided for documents available on the web.

    Additional information

    Information may include but not necessarily be limited to testamurs, academic records, publications, citations, reports, written statements of service, or information supplied by a witness, associate or referee.

    Statement of claim statutory declaration

    All applicants are required to sign a statutory declaration that the materials they have provided are accurate and complete in the presence of an appropriately authorised witness authority (e.g. Justice of the Peace or other relevant qualification in the jurisdiction).  Applicants must provide the details of the location where the declaration is being made.

    All the supporting material can be submitted online at the time the online application form is completed and submitted. The EIANZ Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct is within the online application form. Please ensure you have read, understood and ticked that you will abide by it before proceeding onto the next section of the form.

    Three experienced environmental professionals who are willing to act as referees are required. Each must have known the applicant for at least two years. They should be familiar with the applicant’s skills and attributes as they relate to environmental practice, ethics and professional integrity, and cover these aspects in their referee report. The applicant should include information on referees’ qualification, employment and relationship to the applicant.

    Referee reports must be provided from at least two of the nominated referees, including:

    • a Certified Environmental Practitioner (Heritage Specialist), or would, if assessed by the Certification Board, qualify to be a Certified Environmental Practitioner (Heritage Specialist)
    • an environmental professional external to the applicant’s current place of work who is familiar with the applicants work in the relevant proficiency areas

    Referee Reports must cover the applicant’s skills and attributes as they specifically relate to Heritage practice, ethics and professional integrity, and must be completed on the CEnvP Referee Report Form. This form will be automatically sent to the nominated referees’ email address once the application form has been submitted online. It is important that the applicant alert their referees to expect this email, to follow the instructions and complete all questions on the Referee Report Form, and to return the completed form at their earliest opportunity.

    As part of the application process, applicants must sign a commitment to undertake training and professional development once certified.  This commitment may be supported by a log of the CPD activities undertaken in the two (2) year period prior to making the application. It is preferable that you provide evidence supporting your claim of any recent CPD activity with your application

    CEnvP Heritage Specialists must achieve:

    • at least 100 CPD points of training, skill development and service to the environment profession over a two-year period
    • at least 50 CPD points (50%) of qualifying activities must directly contribute to the field’s higher-level processes, identification, understanding, policy and strategy.

    Certification is reviewed every two years.  A log of CPD activities must be submitted as evidence of compliance with requirements together with a statement verifying any changed circumstances, including employment and ethical conduct, in order to maintain certification. Please see CPD guidelines for further information.

    To apply, simply fill out the online application form and upload the requested documents.