Maria Pedicini FEIANZ CEnvP | Certification Board Chair
Maria is a Certified Environmental Practitioner with over 25 years’ experience in technical, regulatory, management and leadership roles within companies, government, and multi-disciplinary teams. She has an applied-science degree in environmental studies and post-graduate diplomas in law (environmental compliance) and business. Maria works in environmental impact assessment, compliance, management systems, risk assessment, management plans and auditing, mostly in operations and project development for mining, transport (road, rail, airports, marine ports), manufacturing and industrial facilities.
As a Fellow of EIANZ and a recipient of the Mary Lou Morris Award, Maria has been recognised as an environmental practitioner of influence. She participates in working groups, advisory committees, university, and mentoring programs. Having experienced the initiation, implementation, and continuous improvement of the CEnvP Scheme, Maria is excited and honoured to be playing a part in the scheme’s future success through her new Certification Board appointment.

David Carberry FEIANZ CEnvP-IA + REAP
David has over 30 years’ experience in environmental assessment, environmental approvals, environmental management and sustainability both nationally and internationally. Early in his career, David worked in State Government, Federal Government, mining and academia however the bulk of his working life has been spent in the consulting sector.
While he has a broad range of experience, David has undertaken significant projects related to linear infrastructure; renewable energy; mining and gas; water; wastewater; and manufacturing/processing.
David has been a member of the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand since the early 1990s. He is a Fellow of the Institute, a Certified Environmental Practitioner with a specialisation in Impact Assessment, a Registered Environmental Assessment Practitioner in NSW and an Infrastructure Sustainability Accredited Professional.
David has actively supported the environment profession throughout his career in roles such as President and Vice-President of the SEQ Division and as a member of the EIANZ Advisory Council. He particularly enjoys mentoring young professionals.

Dr Claire Conwell MEIANZ
Claire is a Principal Consultant with nearly 20 years of experience in water resource management, project management, regulatory compliance assessments and auditing, and provision of expert evidence (water quality). Claire also acquired certification as an accredited hearings commissioner in Aotearoa, New Zealand (May 2024).
Claire’s technical skills are grounded in the assessment of ecotoxicology of discharges to aquatic receiving environments, stormwater, leachate and wastewater impact assessments, as well as ecological risk assessment. She is experienced across a wide range of regulatory compliance frameworks across both New Zealand and Australia.
Claire has worked closely with both local government and consulting firms over her career and includes experience across both freshwater and marine domains. Over this time, she has developed an extensive professional network across a wide range and multi-disciplinary field of experts. Claire is looking forward to being able to contribute to the EIANZ CEnvP Scheme, with particular focus on Aotearoa New Zealand.

Craig Cowper CEnvP-SC
Craig is a CEnvP-SC with 29 years of experience, and is the Technical Director for the Environment team at Alliance. His extensive land contamination experience spans the property, infrastructure, manufacturing, petroleum, waste and residential sectors. Craig has worked on projects across Australia, with a particular focus on metropolitan and regional areas of NSW. He is responsible for providing technical leadership to the team, fulfilling the role of project director, and advising clients on complex land contamination matters. Craig has also held multiple volunteer positions including industry association branch committees, conference organising committees, as well as 6 years as a Director and 4 years as Chair of the Board with the Australasian Land and Groundwater Association.

Malinda Facey MEIANZ CEnvP-IA + REAP
Malinda Facey has over three decades of experience working in the Australian and New Zealand environmental space. She has experience working in both government and private sectors and for the last 20 years she has worked as a consultant. Malinda has experience in the infrastructure, renewables, waste, asset management and resource sectors as both an environmental impact assessment specialist and community engagement facilitator. Malinda is also a business leader and has been successful in building environmental and engineering teams. She is currently an Executive Manager for a leading environmental and social consulting practice and is based on Dharug Country in Sydney.
Malinda is a CEnvP – Impact Assessment specialist and Registered Environmental Assessment Practitioner (REAP).

Joanne Flint FEIANZ CEnvP
Joanne is a Certified Environmental Practitioner with more than 30 years of broad experience internationally, nationally and in all Australian states, working on operational facilities and project developments and in corporate and governance environments. She has worked in technical, management and leadership roles with companies, governments and communities and in many industries including energy, water infrastructure, oil and gas, mining and minerals processing, chemicals and manufacturing.
Joanne has led and managed teams of environmental and social professionals in delivering EISs, environmental policy, environmental management and compliance systems, environmental risk assessments, plans and audits, and organisation-wide environmental technical services. She has chaired and been a member of several environmental forums and advisory committees.
Joanne has an engineering background which includes environmental and risk engineering. She was awarded Fellow of Engineers Australia in 2013. Joanne has a strong interest in transformational change, sustainability and biodiversity conservation. Her current focus is on providing strategic and risk management advice and services.

Tyler Sujdovic
Tyler Sujdovic is an accomplished leader and environmental practitioner in compliance and regulation, with over 16 years of diverse experience. Throughout his career, he has displayed a profound commitment to sustainable development, advocating for efficient and effective environmental regulation and governance in the resources sector. Tyler’s expertise spans various industries, including operational facilities and greenfield project development, particularly within the energy and mining sectors.
Tyler has been pivotal in driving impactful initiatives, ranging from shaping environmental policies to implementing robust management systems and conducting risk-based compliance assessments. Furthermore, Tyler actively participates in advisory roles, fostering collaboration among government, industry, and the community to promote responsible development.

Mark Challoner MEIANZ CEnvP-SC | Special Advisor (Registrars and Site Contamination)
Mark has over 25 years’ experience as an environmental consultant advising multi-national and national companies on contaminated land issues. Mark is a Certified Environmental Practitioner: Site Contamination Specialist and has been assisting the Certification process as a Site Contamination Accreditation Scheme Registrar since 2019. Mark was a member of the Organising Committee for ALGA’s 2022 Newcastle Ecoforum and has been an active technical member of the contaminated land industry in NSW and Australia. In the last five years, Mark has been involved in providing contaminated land expert witness services for the NSW Supreme Court and the Land and Environment Court of NSW.

Dr Stuart Kininmonth MEIANZ CEnvP-ECO | Special Advisor (Strategy and Ethical Practice)
Stuart Kininmonth is the Research Station Manager on Heron Island for the University of Queensland. He conducts research in coral reef ecology and socioecological systems. He is an adjunct Senior Lecturer at the School of Marine Studies at the University of the South Pacific and supervises several Masters and Doctoral students. He obtained a degree in zoology and genetics (BSc.) and a graduate Diploma in Education (Dip Ed.) from the University of Melbourne in 1986. He obtained a Masters in Resource Science from the University of New England, and in 2011 was awarded a Doctorate of Philosophy from UQ under the supervision of Professor Hugh Possingham. His thesis explored the role of networks in the ecology and conservation planning of coral reefs.
Stuart has over 20 years’ field experience in marine and coral reef ecology. This includes leading teams across the Great Barrier Reef and the Coral Sea to conduct experiments or surveys. Stuart has been employed by Parks Australia North, CSIRO, Australian Institute of Marine Science, James Cook University, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies, Victorian Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands, Greening Australia, Outward Bound Australia and Ecosystem Management.

Warren Pump FEIANZ CEnvP-SC | Special Advisor
Warren Pump is the Principal and Director of Salient GeoEnvironmental, based in Melbourne. Warren has more than 35 years of professional experience in the management of a wide variety of projects in the fields of environmental and geotechnical engineering for urban renewal and in waste management. His project management experience includes the planning, assessment, design, construction and performance review of the clean-up of polluted industrial land; urban infrastructure development; and the management of multi-disciplinary environmental projects. His experience extends Australia-wide, as well as many countries in NE and SE Asia. Warren is an EPA-accredited Environmental Auditor (Contaminated Land) in Victoria, a Fellow of Engineers Australia, a Fellow of the EIANZ and a former President of the Australian Contaminated Land Consultants Association (Vic) Inc.