Welcoming Stephanie Brown as Chair
11 July 2022Launching Climate Change Certification
11 February 2025In July 2022, the CEnvP Scheme announces several changes to the Certification Board including change of Chair within the Board membership, and one Board member succession change. In July, the full CEnvP Board gathered in Melbourne, face-to-face for the first time since February 2020.
Thanking Alexandra Blood as outgoing Chair

Alexandra Blood (CEnvP-IA, FEIANZ)
We thank outgoing Chair Alexandra Blood (CEnvP-IA, FEIANZ) for her service. Alex was formally thanked in-person by the Board for her service as Chair of the CEnvP Scheme.
Alex was Chair from 2019 to 2022, and led the Scheme through a period of unprecedented change, growth and diversification. Under her leadership, the Scheme launched multiple new certifications, and was appointed by the NSW State Government as a provider of the Registered Environmental Assessment Practitioner scheme. The CEnvP Scheme reached the milestone of 1000 certified practitioners, and developed a certification in Social Impact Assessment – a global first. Reflecting on her proudest moments in the role, Alex said,
‘I have been most proud of the people and team. It has been a pleasure and privilege to work with a diverse and dedicated program team and Board, who have given freely of their expertise and time, to ensure a professional and reputable mature program that continues to grow, and whose operational governance is well positioned to support it long into the future.’
In July, Alex was appointed as a Fellow of the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ) recognising her contribution to the environment profession. Alex remains on the Certification Board as a Board Member.
Welcoming Stephanie Brown as Chair

Stephanie Brown (CEnvP)
We welcome Stephanie Brown (CEnvP) to the role of Chair. Steph has served on the Certification Board since 2017. Based in Aotearoa New Zealand, Steph is an environmental consultant experienced in environmental management and community engagement work. She became certified in 2007 and has volunteered for the Scheme since 2012. In an interview, Steph described her priorities during her term as Chair:
‘I am interested in ensuring that the Scheme remains relevant and trusted to ensure its integrity and value not only to practitioners but also stakeholders. In simple terms, it is about building on all the good work over recent years.’
She also outlined some of the key challenges for the Scheme, including reviewing current certifications and CPD guidelines, and supporting volunteers. Read the full interview here.
Farewell to Simon Cavendish
We also thank Simon Cavendish (CEnvP Alumni) for his dedication and contributions over nine years of service as a Board Member. Simon led many important initiatives to improve the governance and compliance of the Scheme. Among his achievements has been the introduction of Board succession planning, initiating the development of a management system and encouraging the Scheme’s focus on strategic planning.
Simon says that ‘volunteering is a means of giving back to society. Scientifically, I believe volunteering has a strong link to happiness. I have volunteered since I migrated to Australia in 1983. Now it is the only work I do.’ He continues to volunteer worldwide for environmental and social justice causes.
Welcoming Dr Sheridan Coakes
Finally, we welcome Dr Sheridan Coakes to the Certification Board. Sherie has been a transitional Board Member since September 2021, and led the development of the Social Impact Assessment (SIA) specialist certification in her capacity as SIA-SEAC Chair. She brings over 30 years of research and applied experience in the areas of SIA and stakeholder and community engagement to the role.
Read more about the CEnvP Scheme Certification Board here.